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31 January, 2016


dreams don't work unless you do
You guys know I'm all about living a positive life and following your dreams. The first real step in making this happening is to just start. Start realising, doing and actioning your dream. Yes it can be scary but if you're anything like me, you won't rest until you're doing what you love! 

I wrote a post last February on my dream of setting up my own videography business and the last 12 months have been a journey. I've learnt a lot about writing up a business plan, learning about my ideal client, what equipment I need, how to market and brand myself and set up a website. I'm finally at a place when my dream is within my grasp and it's hella exciting, scary, you name it! We all need some encouragement sometimes when it comes to following our dreams, so I wanted to share some of my thoughts.

It's easy to make excuses about not pursuing your dreams, I know I've made them in the past. Last year I was planning our wedding, so most of my time was taken up - I felt guilty I was neglecting my business plans. I've definitely been making up for it the last 2 months, planning, designing, filming - anything and everything to get myself ready and raring to go. There's never a right time to do something, there will always be something that will get in our way but whatever your passion is, make it work. Another motivator for me is when I see others doing what they love and how happy is makes them. They always say, it doesn't feel like work.

How amazing would it be to be doing 

what you love every day? 

Why shouldn't we have that chance of following our passions too? It's easy to brush things off and say 'I wish I could do that' or 'They're so lucky.' I believe in making your own luck. No one is more lucky that someone else! They're just out there workin' it.

Start believing in yourself and making your dreams a reality. There's no such thing as losing, you can only push yourself to do your best and just make it happen. Go in thinking you will succeed, you never know what might happen!

I hope this post has inspire you to think about the things you're passionate about and finding a way to live the dream (hey it sounds cheesy but so worth it!) I'm just tweaking my website for my wedding videography business and I can't wait to share this with you guys very soon! I'm excited to go on another journey and seeing where it will take me. My dream is to work for myself, shooting beautiful wedding videos. What's your?

Image source Pinterest.

What drives you to follow your dreams?

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