Do you ever stop yourself from doing something from the fear of worrying what people think? It can be from wearing a certain outfit, stating an opinion or pursuing a different career path. I used to worry about what people thought of me, do they like me, what if people laugh at me? As time goes on, I've learnt to worry less about what other people think. We can't get caught up and be self conscious about the opinions of everyone else - focus on your needs and do things that make you happy.
Have you ever sold yourself short from fear on thinking you weren't good enough? We all have skills, passions and dreams we want to follow but don't let that stop you from showing people how great you really are! It's easy to underplay our skills and talents but turn those feelings of doubt into something positive, make other people believe in you as much as you believe in yourself. We may not be naturally gifted in certain areas but don't let that stop you from learning, developing and practising - you've heard the saying 'Fake it 'til you make it!'
It's only natural we don't want to intentionally let down the people that we care and love but we can't let this fear hold us back. Stopping yourself from doing something in fear of letting other downs will only hold you back. Sometimes we have to make decisions for ourselves and follow the path we dream of.
This is a big fear I'm sure we've all faced at some points in our lives. So many times in the past I would stop myself from pushing myself to really do the things I wanted, even from asking a guy out on a date for the fear of rejection to applying for a job I felt was out of my reach. Now I don't want to have regrets from not even trying. So you might not get the answers you want but just imagine if you did? Instead of thinking what if I fail, think what if I succeed?
How do you overcome your fears?
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