We all need a bit of sass and all round coolness in our lives and you don't get much cooler than Nasty Gal's Sophia Amoruso. In the words of Ms Amoruso herself "it's cool to be kind. It's cool to be weird. It's cool to be honest and to be secure with yourself." So coolness aside, creating a $100 million business in 8 years, I was more than happy to read what she had to say!
"A #GIRLBOSS knows she may not nail it on the first try, and that's okay.
Remember to be open and keep your head up when something doesn't work out."
When I was growing up I lived for Saturdays, sitting all afternoon in the library reading books it was my happy place. I still get excited flicking through a new book and reading #GIRLBOSS was no different. I was smiling and chuckling to myself at Sophia's humour, her refusal to take no for an answer and nodding along to her no nonsense advice.
Her life was not your typical Cinderella success story, she built her business from doing what she really loved. Through hard work not pot luck. She gives realistic advice about looking after your income and not wasting your money, even if you have millions in the bank. It's about being caution but knowing when to take risks.
"As a #GIRLBOSS you should always be confident - and absolutely sure -
about what you know, but humble with what you don't"
She's been on the hiring and firing ends of job, she's done it all and happy to give back. Offering tips on writing your cover letter, how to ask for a pay rise as well as dealing with investors (dream big guys!) What I love about this book is the living proof of succeeding on your terms, creating something from hard work and passion and never stop learning and growing. She believes in her brand, her team, her buyers, the person reading her book - no one is beneath her. Sophia you rock!
#GIRLBOSS to me is not being afraid of hard work, not giving up at the first hurdle, being smart and savvy and all the while knowing your worth. I really feel inspired now!
What does #GIRLBOSS mean to you?
Worth a read: How to have the best relationship with yourself.
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