I admit when I first started blogging I was a bit haphazard with my approach and it definitely wasn't well thought out. Whilst there's nothing wrong with being spontaneous, around half a year ago I feel like I've really found my blogging niche and the direction I want to go. It can be really hard to find your place and make your mark in an over saturated market, but that shouldn't stop us from creating amazing content! I wanted to share a few steps to help other creatives or for those starting out to find their direction online.
The easiest and simplest want to let your readers know what your blog is all about is with a bio and an up to date About Me page. Don't have one? Think about adding them as it can really help define your blog direction and what readers can expect from your page in a few sentences.
What's your blog about? I'm sure like me you get asked this, what do you say? Keep it simple - Hanhabelle is a mix of lifestyle and beauty. Cooking, travel, fashion, DIY, finance - the more specific your genre the easier it is to promote your blog and spread the word online. Is your blog product driven, used to promote an online business, more storytelling and narrative or more creative and inspiring? Think about your main purpose and this will help streamline your direction.
Check our your statistics and ratings to see what posts are most popular and what topics engage the most feedback. Use Google Analytics to get to the nitty gritty details of your demographics. You can use this information to help shape your blog and push it into a direction for both yourself and your readers. Read through your comments, reply back - it's the easiest way to know what your readers are enjoying!
So many of my favourite blogs now include different styles of content and this variation is a great way to expand your blog, as well as show readers a different side of you. This isn't for everyone but equally you don't have to pigeon hole your blog into one category. I think it's great to let your content grow naturally, this is can be feedback from your readers or from yourself moving in a different direction.
started this blog with a focus on beauty but as much as I love skincare and makeup, this isn't my biggest passion. I love to write thought provoking content and sharing life updates. I wrote this post last September It's OK to not know what you want, it was my most popular post last year and from all the positive feedback, I felt inspired to share more lifestyle posts. Writing about my thoughts and inspirations doesn't require me to take lots of pretty photos, so I can share content easily without fuss. If you feel like changing direction then go for it! It's your space so make it something you're proud off.
Has your blogging direction changed?
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