Just a little disclaimer, this is a tongue in cheek post - I know not all bloggers are so cliche ;)
You bug your non blogger friends with your bblogger/fblogger/lblogger hashtags online #noshame
You buy another new notebook, just because.
You always carry your camera around even though it weighs a ton.
All new makeup products get snapped before you even think about wearing it.
You have a blogging toolkit on your phone.
You're obsessed with flatlays.
You've suddenly learnt about HTML, SEO's and Photoshop, after being competely clueless.
You're thinking about your next blog post even on holiday.
You always find a willing friend to take your outfit posts or maybe not so willing...You have a blogging toolkit on your phone.
You're obsessed with flatlays.
You've suddenly learnt about HTML, SEO's and Photoshop, after being competely clueless.
You're thinking about your next blog post even on holiday.
A lunch or dinner date is just not complete without photos!
Everyone is lovely, gawjus, a babe - damn right you are ;)
You buy fresh flowers for your room and your photos...
We all have a blogcrush, mine's Rosie from The Londoner, who's yours :)
Do you have anymore to add?

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