Have you ever made a wish from blowing on a dandelion? I
think I missed the memo on this when I was younger, probably too busy
placing buttercups under my chin to see if it turned yellow (I'm not mad, it was a real game!) Anyway I won't reveal my wish but here are some things that's making me happy.

Longer days makes such a difference when you come home from work and still have lots of glorious day light. Saying that all I've been doing is staying in and catching up on new seasons of Girls, Suits and Revenge - ha!
Last weekend I got my butt outdoors to enjoy the weather down at my parents house, have a bbq and took a stroll with my brother and sister down a
nearby woodland area. We don't have a garden in our flat, so any chance to
chill outdoors is always nice.
Superficial as it may sound but when my skin is clear and I
can wear less makeup, I feel more confidence and happy. I'm currently testing out Skinade,
which is a collagen drink that you take once a day to helps to improve
your skin by boosting your skin's natural collagen production. I have never seen my skin look and feel so good, I'm really impressed it's better than any skin product I've tried!
It's my birthday next week as well as my boyfriends, I don't like to make a
big fuss on my birthday but I'm super happy and excited I'm going to spend it
in Thailand this year. Can't wait for the fun experiences and memories!