Doesn't it seem blogging has had a bit of bad rep lately? From Twitter dramz, online witch hunts and 'exposing' bloggers. What's happening to the blog community? All this negativity aside, blogging has personally brought me joy over the last 3 and a half years and still very relevant. I'm inspired to push myself creatively and look for new ways to share valuable content. I enjoy sharing posts on travel, style and life inspo, as well as sharing tips on freelancing and running your own business. So is blogging still a big deal? Are people still reading blogs? A big fat yes, there's room for everyone and if you love it, then keep on doing your thing! I just wanted to share some thoughts on why I owe so much to blogging, I hope it's a nice reminder for you too :)
My blog values is to share content to inspire you
to live a beautiful life inside and out
I have so much love for other bloggers and having the pleasure to meet some really lovely bloggers in real life. It's an instant bond, understanding and gratification for what we do. It's not cliquey but a genuine shared interest and passion and a good excuse for a gossip!
Having opportunities to work with brands is not something I thought I would have the opportunity to do when I first started. To this day I still get excited to receive samples to try and experiences to share, no matter how big or small. If it's something I feel you guys would love to see - it makes me happy to share it. We learn a lot of working with different kind of brands, networking at events and marketing yourself. There's also loads of behind the scenes things like maintaining your website and being your own social media manager.
Blogging is a hobby and it suits me this way. For others it's a part or full time job. Whatever you position, it takes a lot of work and dedication. There's the ups and downs that go with it. I know we've all been there when you can't for the life of you string a sentence together, when your followers count drop or you have a bad case of blogger comparison but that's all part of being a blogger and hopefully growing stronger. We should feel super proud of what we've achieved! I owe a lot to my blog for inspiring and pushing me to express myself in so many different ways, to be more creative and the biggest achievement of all following my dream to be a videographer.
I wanted to leave you with some links of some lovely bloggers, who make me smile with their humour, inspired me with their content and push me to be better, even if that means learning how to take better photos or try a new recipe!
Angela/Awkward Blog - Life Lately b-a-n-a-n-a-s
Immy May - A half year review
Jaime/Angloyankophile - Lately, I've been wearing...
Julia/Sunday Mode - Photography guide: A cheat sheet
Kelsey/A Balancing Peach - How to throw an unforgettable Summer dinner
Michelle/Daisy Butter - To inspire
Viv/Live In Love - How to stay cool in Summer with Armani
I would love to know about how you feel about your blog and your favourite blogs at the moment. Thanks so much as always for reading and supporting my blog, it means so much to have you here. I've also uploaded my Italy vlog, in case you've missed it :)
Do you think blogging is a big deal?
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