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14 June, 2017


Hello sunshine, it's good to see you again. I'm determined to try and make the most of Summer in London, because let's be honest it won't be around for long! This time of year makes me think I should be working out for that Summer bod but I rather just have another ice cream and bottle of cider, haha. You know I love a good inspiration post and I think this is a good time to chat about how to be comfortable in our skin.


We only have one face and body and we should to put it simply, look after and treat it well. You know the usual - wear SPF, keep hydrated, eat your greens -  nourish and protect yourself and you will feel good about yourself. It shouldn't have to be torture, as I get older I want to look and feel younger. Investing in good quality skincare products that will naturally keep your skin glowing, because not even the best foundation will give you that natural glow - am I right girls? I used to suffer from terrible acne all through my teens and twenties, I was prescribed antibiotics, went on the pill (gained weight and mood swing, no thanks!) My self esteem was low and confidence knocked when I didn't have thick makeup caked on. Thankfully I got a hold of my diet and skincare and managed to turn my skin around. I'm happy for bare faced days and even though my skin isn't super smooth and blemish free, it's still my face. Look after yourself and your skin will thank you :)


There is always going to be a feature or part of your body that you don't really like but guess what, I bet people don't even notice that 'flaw'. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the things we don't like, we don't focus on the good stuff and things we like about ourselves. Ask your friends or partner what they like about you and I bet they can name lots of things! I may have broad shoulders and small chested but I like my legs so embrace what you got and just work with it ;) Less of the moaning and more flaunting. We should be lifting each other up rather than dragging people down, so what if something doesn't suit us if you love it, just wear it!



Whatever issues or concerns you have with yourself, I know it can make you feel low and a bit rubbish sometimes. When my skin has a freak out, I don't feel happy about myself but with everything it's good to put things into perspective. I know it sounds cheesy but appreciating that we are healthy is a massive deal. I write in my gratitude book every morning and its a simple reminder to be grateful for what I have, being alive, living in a comfortable home and being able to eat good food. It's the little thing but it helps put things into perspective next time I'm moaning about my flabby arm or something!


Don't chase perfection, it doesn't exist and we just end up being disappointed. Work out because it makes you feel good and don't get hung up on perfect abs. Do things that genuinely make you happy, life's too short to be lifting weights if it makes your miserable! We get caught up in numbers and dress sizes and forget to just enjoy life and live in the moment. When we chase perfection, we will never be satisfied. Just do the best you can and embrace your imperfection.

Thanks guys as always for reading and I hope you enjoyed this mid week inspo. Photos were taken by the lovely Charlotte Hu, she's a wedding photographer and food blogger. It was nice to get together with a fellow freelancer and blogger :) Also if you're wondering this beaut maxi dress was from Forever 21 last year, similar styles here and here. Are you enjoying the glorious sunshine at the moment? Let me know what you've been up to!

What your thoughts on body confidence?

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