Wow time flies when you're having fun! I started my blog 2 years today and yes all the blogger cliches are true - it's been one of the best things I've decided to do and the amazing skills, experiences and people I've met along the way has been incredible. I never knew this creative gap was missing from my life and I'm excited to continue this journey with you guys :)
Since I've been back from my holiday, I've been feeling a little lost (post wedding and holiday blues I'm sure!) and not feeling on top of my blogging game. I felt like I had lost that spark of writing and didn't know where to take my blog or which direction to go into. Today I woke up feeling a bit more optimistic about things. I feel ready to embrace blogging again and enjoy the experiences a long the way without worrying about stats and numbers. Although saying that I thought it would be fun to share these fun facts since hanhabelle.com has been launched!
First blog post: What's In My Handbag
Most viewed post: Perfect Heels For Spring
Most commented on post: The Best Day Ever, Our Wedding Day
Most popular blog tweet: 10 Healthy Habits To Make You Feel Great
My personal favourite post: Don't Quit Your Day Dream
Top 3 readers location: UK, America and Australia
Fan girl moment: Corrie from Dizzybrunnette3 following my little blog!
Lastly I wanted to share some inspirational reads/videos I've enjoyed this week:
Catching up with Anna's lifestyle blog is always a joy, her writing style is effortless and humorous coupled with lovely photos. Her recent YouTube video Three Gorgeous Breakfasts is simple but beautifully put together - go check it out!
Hazel's post 'A Tidy Life' really echoes my thoughts on how having a tidy lifestyle can help with a clearer mindset. You can tell she writes from the heart and not afraid to share this with her readers.
I stumbled across Holly's blog recently through Anna and her post on 'Why I unfollowed 90% of my bloglovin feed and you should too' really struck a cord. It's so well written and gets to the nitty gritty of why some blog advice posts are just too much.
If you want some great photography tips, check out John's post on 3 Tips to improve your photography and get better photos, very awe inspiring images!
What's been your blogging highlight so far?
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