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21 September, 2014


5 Blogging Rules You Can Break

OK technically there aren't set blogging rules but like with any rules, such as not mixing prints or wearing white after Labor Day, here are some that I think can be broken...

Connect on all social media

Ok so you don't use Twitter, Instagram, Tumbler, or Pinterest it's not the end of the blogging world. It doesn't mean readers will be less interested in you or your blog! I don't have Facebook because I really dislike that platform. Just use the platforms you like, I mean I still don't get Google+ does anyone? Just as long as there's an avenue for people to read your blog such as through Bloglovin, as well as a contact email, then you're good to go! Blogs existed before social media and they did just fine right?

Post Regularly

Having a blog routine is a good idea, I'm currently trying to keep on a schedule of posting twice a week - Wednesdays and Sundays but if I miss a post or post an extra one, it's no big deal. Don't feel like you have to follow suit to other people's schedule, it may just not fit in with your routine. Letting your blog content grow naturally is better than posting something just for the sake of it, feels half hearted.

Having a good camera

Yes beautifully shot images can draw readers in but don't get caught up in having a high tech camera and an array of different lenses. It's not the be all or end all of your blog, just as long at the image and content is clear than people will still enjoy reading it. It took me some time to find my photography style and it didn't take a super fancy camera, just my little Sony and taking the time to get the best out of my photos through composition and editing.

Post a review only once

Fresh and new content is great but sometimes I like to revisit old topics or products that I've reviewed before. It's ok to blog about a product you posted previously but in a different format or content to make it interesting. It just shows how much you love a product to mention it more than once, you might have discovered something new about it!

Stick to one genre

A niche blog may be more popular but just because you write a beauty, fashion, food or travel blog, it doesn't mean you can't write about other topics now and then. As long as it's honest and your writing style, it's ok to branch out as it shows different sides of your personality. If readers like the general vibe of your blog then I'm sure they'll be back for more - it's good to go off piste :)

Have you broken any of these 'rules'?

Worth a read: Being blogging savvy.

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